DIMONT Joins the Five Star Institute to Cohost the 2018 Disaster Preparedness Summit

Event provided networking opportunities and chance to discuss best practices – 

DALLAS, August 8, 2018 – DIMONT, a Dallas-based provider of insurance claims adjusting and collateral loss mitigation services to the residential mortgage and auto lending industries, joined with the Five Star Institute (Dallas) to co-hosted the 2018 Disaster Preparedness Summit at the Hyatt Regency Dallas on July 25.

Denis Brosnan, president and CEO of DIMONT, provided opening remarks to attendees from the mortgage servicing industry and even prominent leaders from Fannie Mae and FEMA. Topics discussed at the event included a review of 2017 storm season, the outlook for 2018 and how to service loans in impacted areas.


The Five Star Institute

Based in Dallas, Texas, the Five Star Institute (FSI) is a national trade association supporting the U.S. residential mortgage and real estate market, through membership groups, publishing, conferences, education services and strategic events. FSI advocates on behalf of and for industry stakeholders on policy matters and interests established to protect, preserve and promote homeownership.



Founded in 1996, Dallas-based DIMONT is one of the largest providers of insurance claims and collateral loss mitigation services to the residential mortgage and auto lending industries in the United States. Additional information is available at www.dimont.com.

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