Are Your Auto Insurance Claims Processes Compliant?

By Tom Stover Outsourcing the auto insurance claims component can be advantageous for both auto finance companies as well as their clients. However, being successful within the auto finance industry depends primarily upon remaining compliant regulatory guidelines and investor and business requirements. As mentioned in a previous blog, regulatory oversight for auto claims processing may … Read more

DIMONT Announces Strategic Investment from Renovo Capital

– Positions DIMONT for increased growth and expansion – DALLAS, March 14, 2016 – DIMONT, a leading provider of specialty insurance and loan administration solutions to the residential and commercial financial services industries, announced an investment from Renovo Capital, a Dallas-based private equity fund. In partnership with a veteran management team, Renovo Capital’s investment enables … Read more


In a volatile environment such as mortgage servicing, the last handful of years has been survival of the fittest. Companies selling, shutting down, eliminating business lines, or consolidating staff has become the norm for most organizations. Change is a term that we are all far too familiar with. DIMONT, a leader in insurance-related services, has seen its share of change, and it is happy to report that change for this organization means continued, positive growth…

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Why Auto Insurance Claims Processes are Far Behind the Mortgage Industry and How to Turn it Around

By Teresa Urban There are several similarities between the processes for filing auto insurance claims on repossessed vehicles or damaged returns, and filing hazard claims for mortgagees. In the auto industry, an auto finance company notifies a service provider about a list of repossessed vehicles for inspection. The provider then travels to auction sites or uses … Read more